Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Bear in my Backyard

Although bears are a normal part of life in BC, it's not often you see one in your neighborhood! Recently we have heard of a bear that was investigating our house while we were on our honeymoon, and have recently gotten notice of a bear in the area and today he decided to take a walk down our lane!

Walking down our sidewalk...

Checking out the neighbours house

He then continued up the lane for a few more blocks before going out of sight.

We were excited to move out here where we are closer to nature, but now nature seems to be coming to us!


  1. Wow Katie, those are some pictures. Funny, we just had a bear a couple houses down from us. The chicken coop attracted him(or her)and he had to be trapped and carted away somewhere.

  2. Yeah appparently they had just relocated a smaller black bear, but then this guy showed up!
