Tuesday, October 18, 2011


My life has been leading me to advocate and be somehow involved with children who are familyless for a long time, starting at birth, when someone adopted me, and a love of children to public relations for an orphanage in Mexico, to a career path of social work.  Love for people is a top priority to me, and unconditional love for children who otherwise will grow up in a series of temporary families just seems logical. I am currently doing a practicum at an Adoption support and advocacy group and have learned shocking things. Like there are huge numbers of children in foster care that ARE adoptable! That teenagers are adoptable...and they WANT to be adopted! and that foster parents burnout rate is so high, often because they have children who have backgrounds which involve a lot of pain, that they deal with insolation as the community, and the christian community, has not taken a bigger role in issues of fostering and adoption or even supporting those who chose to. If anyone sees this and has questions about adopting, please please contact me, or check out some of these resources:


We all want to belong from Focus on the Family Canada on Vimeo.

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